manual muscle testing

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Concluded that the MMT was reliable for assessing muscle strength in boys with DMD when consecutive evaluations are performed by the same physical therapist. J Altern Complement Med. Identification of specific impaired muscles or muscle groups provides information for proper treatment.

Although RCTs will be required to document a cause-effect relationship between treatment and outcome, they are frequently impractical projects for the practicing clinician. It is the examiner's very own personal computer and it can store valuable and useful information of the basis of which judgments about evaluation and treatment can be made. International Journal of Neuroscience.

manual muscle testing - Construct and content validity of MMT Construct and content validity are two types of theoretical or conceptual validity. Perceptual and Motor Skills.

Welcome to A Physical Therapy Toolbox: Manual Muscle Testing Definition Muscle testing is an attempt to determine a patient's ability to voluntarily contract a specific muscle. Keep in mind that this does not provide information on the patient's ability to use the muscle in daily activities, or if the muscle interacts with other muscle around it in a synergistic pattern. Purpose Muscle testing is indicated in any patient with suspected or actual impaired muscle performance, including strength, power, or endurance. Identification of specific impaired muscles or muscle groups provides information for proper treatment. Precautions It is important to determine the patient's ability to withstand the force to be applied. Proper positioning is important, as is instruction in breathing techniques avoid the Val Salva. Remember to assess surrounding area for ability to sustain muscle test. In the case of a recent fracture, post-surgical, or other tissue healing, consider post-poning muscle test. Manual Muscle Testing MMT is widely used in the physical therapy setting. Patients are asked to hold a position against a therapist's resistance. By using consistent test positions, accurate joint placement and avoiding use of compensatory muscle use, results allow for increased reliability in using MMT as an evaluation tool. Keep in mind that MMT often times does not correlate with a aptient's ability to perform functional activities. In addition, a normal muscle grade does not necessarily indicate a patient's ability to return to his or her normal level of activity. It is important to also include functional tests in any patient evaluation.


Concluded that both MMT and dynamometry are reliable testing methods, given the conditions described in this study. Introduction A body of basic science and clinical research has been generated on the manual muscle test MMT since its first peer-reviewed publication in 1915. Improvement was also noted in laryngospasm. Such information contains objective data that is obtained without sacrificing the art and science of manual muscle testing to the demand for objectivity. Wrist Strength Evaluation with MicroFET 2 Handheld Dynamometer The basics of performing manual muscle testing procedures usually require the examiner to first isolate a muscle group so that gravity has no impact on the test, then the application of external force and measurement of the results. Michener et al 64 2005 Shoulder pain 40 patients with shoulder pain and functional loss Hand held dynamometer testing performed as MMT for the lower trapezius, upper trapezius, middle trapezius, and serratus anterior muscles. Wadsworth et al 45 1987 5 muscle groups on 11 patients physical therapist To compare the concurrent reliability of MMT and hand-held dynamometer tests The correlation coefficients were high and significantly different from zero for four muscle groups tested dynametrically and for two muscle groups tested manually. The trunk strengths of these patients were then compared with manual muscle testing scores of healthy subjects and with those manual muscle testing scores patients with low-back disorders who sought treatment as outpatients of a general orthopaedic office practice. The accuracy of the test is defined as the probability that people who truly should have the positive response receive a positive response when the test is performed. Measurement in physical therapy. However, before accepting these results it would be important for them to be reproduced in another study. Although evaluation of patients using MMT methods have been investigated with RCTs, prospective cohort studies, retrospective studies, single-subject case series and case reports, many questions about the MMT remain unanswered.